Standard Library
The Fig standard library provides essential functions for performing common tasks, such as string manipulation, memory management, and I/O operations. This document outlines the available functions and their usage.
I/O Functions
print_str(s: char[])
Prints a string to the standard output.
print_char(c: char)
Prints a single character to the standard output.
print_int(i: i32)
Prints an integer to the standard output.
print_float(f: f32)
Prints a floating-point number to the standard output.
read_file(path: char[]): char[]
Reads the contents of a file and returns it as a string.
Memory Management
malloc(size: i32): i32[]
Allocates a block of memory of the specified size and returns a pointer to the allocated memory.
String Manipulation
len(str_ptr: char[]): i32
Returns the length of a null-terminated string.
copy_str(str: char[]): char[]
Creates a copy of a null-terminated string.
cmp_string(lhs: char[], rhs: char[]): bool
Compares two null-terminated strings and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.
add_string(lhs: char[], rhs: char[]): char[]
Concatenates two null-terminated strings and returns the resulting string.
Example Usage
import std;
fn main() {
let l = len("Hello, World!");